The neo-romantics: a look back at a forgotten moment in modern art.
The neo-romantics: a look back at a forgotten moment in modern art.

The neo-romantics: a look back at a forgotten moment in modern art.


The Musée Marmottan Monet presents from 8 March to 18 June 2023,

the exhibition “Neo-Romantics, a forgotten moment in modern art 1926-1972”. More than a hundred works from private and public collections are brought together to (re)discover one of the first post-modern movements based on the questioning of abstraction and the return to the figure. Curated by Patrick Mauriès, the exhibition highlights the artists who participated in this movement, such as the Frenchman Christian Bérard (1902-1949), the Russians Pavel Tchelitchew (1898-1957), Eugène (1899-1972) and Léonide Berman (1898-1976) and the Dutchman Kristians Tonny (1907-1977). First brought together in Paris in the 1920s, they participated in the American, English and Italian art scene, creating bridges between Picasso, surrealism, the 20th century figurative artists and the living arts, for which they created memorable shows.


                                                                                       L’ensemble, Sir Francis Rose, 1938


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